Healthy Food that Tastes Good: Moroccan-Spiced Cauliflower and Carrot Salad


not my photo


Because Oprah is the most powerful person in the world, I’m going to be very careful not to plagiarize her incredible recipe. Instead I will just link you to it here:

Moroccan-Spiced Roasted Cauliflower and Carrot Salad with Chickpeas and Couscous

I will tell you that I was given this recipe by my friend Elexa. The ingredients are very inexpensive. It was very easy to make. It has vegetables and protein and it’s low in calories and fat. And it tastes delicious.

Give it a try tonight!


Lately I’ve had trouble finding the time and motivation to write a legitimate blog post. No excuses really, that’s just how it’s been. So instead of something written with thought and feeling, please accept this collection of random thoughts:

I. I think I might be a bad dresser. I thought I kind of had style down, but some recent events have me thinking otherwise. Last week my two best friends told me they were going to dress like me for Halloween. We’ll wear cords and crocs and a band tee shirt and a long, baggy cardigan. It will be hilarious, they said.  The next day my boyfriend said to me, We should go as Wayne and Garth for Halloween. You can be Garth, just wear your glasses and put on a hat. You can just wear your normal clothes. Ugh. Currently looking for recommendations on fashion blogs.

II. Speaking of my boyfriend, he rules. The other morning I had gone out extra early for a run without waking him up on the way out, instead waking him on the way in. The first sleepy words that came out of his mouth were, You’re so beautiful. I love your new shirt. It wasn’t a new shirt, it was an old running shirt but that’s not the point. His instinctual first words every morning are compliments. I totally hit the jackpot.

III. I have an old friend who manages one of the “cool” night clubs in town. Sometimes I make him promise me that he’d hire me to work there if I needed a job. It helps me kid myself that I’m still young and hip enough to work in a night club even though I’m totally not.

IV. I wish that night janitors didn’t always seem so earnest.

V. When I go running in the early morning or later at night, when it’s dark, I’m constantly making note of which houses around me have lights on, where the nearest people might be. I’m hyper aware of this when I see someone walking towards me. I’m hyper aware of the nearest place to seek help. Do other women do this? Do men?

VI. I feel like I have to make a choice between having a glass or two of wine every night or losing those last stubborn pounds. No one with any sort of fitness background has advised me that this choice is necessary, but it’s just something I instinctively feel is true. Every morning I decide I want to give up drinking. Every night I decide I’m comfortable with my extra cushion. I wonder if I’ll ever make up my mind.

VII. I’m going to visit my parents for Thanksgiving. They live in the middle of nowhere. I’m going to really enjoy spending the long weekend wearing almost exclusively pyjamas.



Last week I took a trip to Toronto. My first visit to the city in 12 years. When I flew in last Wednesday I was like Toronto is amazing. I need to move here asap. But by the time I left on Monday I was ready to come home to the clean air, the slow pace, and of course, my love. Here are some highlights and thoughts after five days in Canada’s city:

The food was unreal. Like, out of control good. My first night in town I ate at Lee and I’m still dreaming about Susur’s Signature Singaporean-style Slaw. If I was rich I would go back to Toronto just to eat that slaw. I had a board of directors dinner at The Chase. Also unreal. And on my last night in town I had the 9 course tasting menu at El Catrin to celebrate a successful trip. I couldn’t move, but oh my, it made me happy.

Work trips are work trips are work trips. Trying to make them into anything else will only cause stress. I don’t know why it’s taking me so long to learn this. If I want to explore or see friends or family or have time to myself, I have to add an extra day. Remind me of this next time, okay?

West coast Canadians are snobs. Maybe not absolutely, but definitely relative to anyone east of the Rockies. Here at home, strangers don’t talk to one another, they don’t say hi or strike up conversation. Not true in Toronto. People are just friendlier there. And apparently when Torontonians come out west and tell us where they’re from the most common response is a sympathetic “Oh, I’m sorry, that’s too bad.” Guys! That’s not cool! Let’s collectively be nicer.

Diversity if beautiful. I live in a devastatingly white city. It’s boring. And the standard of beauty here is all too often the petite, blond pseudo-hippie. Also boring. Toronto was an interesting and exciting breath of fresh air.

It’s the place to be for professionals. When I graduated university at 22 I was so ready to start the rest of my life in the city I wanted to be in: Victoria. And while I loved ever minute of it, I’m regretful I didn’t spend a few years in Toronto growing professionally and experiencing big city living. At this point I’m on track with my goals, but I can’t help but wonder what life would have looked like if I spent some time living in Toronto. Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Kalie. She lived across the hall from me in first year residence and we shared an apartment with 2 other great girls in fourth year. We hadn’t seen each other in probably 6 years, so catching up over dinner was such a pleasure. I’m so proud of her. Last year she was in Cats and currently she’s acting in a movie opposite Nic Cage. So, I pretty much am friends with a celeb.

And the absolute highlight: spending two days in a board room with our board of directors–retired diplomats, a VP at one of Canada’s largest banks, a senior partner at one of Canada’s largest law firms and others. Together we reviewed strategies and made plans and throughout it all all these established professionals listened to and respected what I had to say. I’ve never felt more grown up. Please, no one tell them my secrets.



In October 2012 I struggled with some of the worst anxiety I’ve ever had. It was constantly hard for me to breath, the only things that made me feel okay were running and drinking so I did a lot of both. I ran my first half marathon with a terrible cold in a time of 2:05. I was the skinniest I’ve ever been. I had Thanksgiving with Katie and Thai take out and a Treatza Pizza. I joined a curling league. I worked close to 60 hours a week. I tried to pay off my debt but had to replace the clutch in my car instead. I dressed like Leela for Halloween and danced to Plants and Animals, hiding behind my giant eye. I had many good times with the people who I love.

In October 2013 I settled happily into the comfortable stage of my relationship.  I went out less and watched more TV. Cuddled more. Life slowed down, but not so much that it became boring. I regularly struggled to run 10km. I had Thanksgiving with Kurt and his family in Vernon, BC. We explored the lakes and the vineyards and ate too much. He surprised me with a night at Sparkling Hill aka heaven on earth. I heard the Sadies play and Margaret Atwood speak. I worked close to 50 hours a week and put $1600 towards my debts. I had many good times with the people who I love.

In October 2014 I hope to:

  • Be happy. Be calm. Be spontaneous. Be present. Be powerful.
  • Eat mostly healthy and be active most days. Love my body for where it is today, not it’s potential.
  • Hear some live music.
  • Travel to middle of nowhere to spend Thanksgiving with my parents. Hopefully see a friend along the way.
  • Not hate Halloween.
  • Work 40 hours a week. Put $1100 into savings.
  • Find balance between living the life and resting.
  • Have good times with the people who I love.



The Wooden Sky

About a hundred years ago The Wooden Sky used to be called Friday Morning’s Regret and whenever they came through Calgary I would have to help put up posters for their show even if I didn’t want to. I used to know someone who knew someone in the band, that’s why.

The Wooden Sky played Victoria last night. I would have loved to go, but I fell asleep at 8pm instead. They’re touring their latest album Let’s Be Ready, which is good. Really Good. But not as good as 2009’s If I Don’t Come Home You’ll Know I’m Gone which I think might be in my top 20 albums of all time.

This is a really pretty song from that album.

Happy Sunday…

Some things that have made me happy over the last little while…

Journalling. I’ve officially been keeping a daily journal for two years now. I can’t even tell you how cool it is to look back on what I was doing/how I was feeling that day 1 year ago and now two years ago. So much can change over the course of a year. SO. Much. I would recommend this practise to anyone, even if it’s just a few lines each day.

Dry Shampoo. Since becoming a blonde back in June I’ve been trying to cut down on how frequently I shampoo/condition my hair, as we all know by now that sudsing up often is no good for your locks. Dry shampoo has been saving my butt, or at least keeping me from looking like a grease-ball in between washes. I’m using got2b and am happy with it, but Batiste is supposed to be even better.

Sons of Anarchy. I’m only on the first season, but I am so hooked. I get the hype. Although, not sure starting an addicting TV show with such a limited number of summer days left  was a good life choice on my part.

Sleeping on the couch. Love that.

Summer markets.  I’ve bought beautiful furniture and amazing fresh produce. I’ve had tamales and fresh juice and local beer and cider. I’ve overcome the desire to buy jewellery and bags and pottery. The summer market season is coming to an end sooner than later, so hit these up while you still have a chance.

App cleanse. Though “happy” might be an over-simplified description for what I’m feeling. I deleted the Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter apps from my phone on Friday. I still plan on using all three platforms, I just don’t want them at my finger tips for right now. More on this later.

Happy Sunday. xo

Happy Saturday

Guardians of the Galaxy. I laughed. I sobbed. I sat on the edge of my seat with excitement. My heart was thoroughly warmed. Go see it this weekend. Seriously.

My job. I freaking love going to work every day. I work for a global charity that provides health care in West Africa. If you’ve read the news in the last few months, you know it’s a volatile time. While I have no say in the strategic direction of our organization, I have a great deal of say in how that direction is communicated to Canadians. Lots of careful thinking right now. I like that. Our revenues are also up 37% from last year. As a fundraiser that pretty much means I’m 37% busier these days. I’m usually brain dead by 5pm every work day (which is the biggest reason why the blog has been lame lately) but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Life is a Picture, But You Live in a Pixel. The idea that when you look back on your life it may be a grand picture, but now, today, this moment, is just a pixel in that image. It’s about learning to find happiness in that pixel.

Love and not keeping secrets. Back in April I got a message from my friend Trevor. He was designing an engagement ring for my best friend Katie and wanted my input. I was happy to give it, obviously, and so, so, so happy that they were going to get engaged, but I also had to keep a big, giant secret from the person I have literally told EVERYTHING to over the last 9 years. I’ve never doubted myself more. Last week it finally happened! One of the most radical couples I know are officially engaged and I am once again secret free!

No ferry waits. If you live on the island you know what I mean.

Crust Bakery. Go here. Get a cronut or one of their other amazing treats. You’ll love me for suggesting it.


July Money; Yup Summer

Oh July. So fun. So full. So expensive. Summer is totally here.

Here’s my breakdown:


Fixed Expenses 11%
My “fixed expenses” (rent, insurance, utilities, etc) that were extra high in June (I paid rent twice) were extra low in July (I didn’t pay rent at all). These should probably be back to being legitimately fixed in August.

Savings 24%
Due to my extra low fixed expenses I was able to kick butt at saving in July. I paid myself back after all the “borrowing” I did from my savings in June. I put my usual 9% towards long term savings and then managed a little extra in my short term savings accounts to boot.

Eating 15%
How did this even happen? I’m bad at groceries apparently. Maybe the cost went up? That’s probably it.

Morely 14%
Morely is my beloved 1996 Subaru wagon who usually causes me almost no financial pain, except this past month. The worst part is, the problem isn’t even fixed, so it looks like she’s going to be eating up some of my August budget as well. Ugh. C’mon Morely, get it together.

Travel 11%
I explored BC this month with three weekends away throughout the province. Beautiful place I live in.

Health & Fitness 10%
Because I’m honest, I’ll share that “fitness” makes up nearly none of this pie slice. All health in July: I bought contact lenses and so many vitamins.

Good Times 8%
How is my entertainment budget this low? I don’t understand. But the data doesn’t lie. I must have spent all month curled up at home eating groceries.

Other 6%
Charity, gifts, dry cleaning, household and that is all.


Good luck in August!


Happy Thursday…happy vacation

Some things that make me happy…

Running. I ran a 12km last week, my longest run in over a year. Two years ago, 12km was a short run that I only bothered with once a week. One year ago, it would have taken a miracle for me to run that far. You lose your fitness fast and gain it back so much slower. I’m just happy it’s on it’s way back.

Acceptance (finally). I want the body of someone who runs 60km a week. I’m willing to run 20km a week. For a long time I was wishing for a miracle, hoping for changes without putting in the effort required. I think I’ve finally accepted that this is one miracle that is not going to happen. I’ve accepted that I’m going to weigh what I weigh and my clothes will fit how they fit for at least as long as I keep living how I do. And I’m totally okay with that.

Angel Olsen.  I missed this show on Monday, sadly. But I heard it was beautiful.

Old friends. I’ve known Nick since January 2001. He and his super rad wife and 2 little boys live in Sydney, Australia. He is one of the 3 people that read this blog on a regular basis. On the weekend we got to hang out after a lot of years of not hanging out and it was great. Hi Nick.

Being an adult. Don’t get me wrong, it can totally suck. But there is also something really rewarding about doing what you gotta do, about doing right by yourself.

Summer vacation. Today my love and I are road tripping to the Okanagan and it’s going to be amazing.

A No Spend Work Week

My life of late has gotten a little bit fancy. It’s not out of control, but it’s not sustainable either. I recently heard the quote You can do/have anything you want. Just not everything you want. Recently I’ve really been going for everything. So in an effort to curb the spending and cut back on the everything so I can do anything, I tried one of those no spend work weeks that “everyone” keeps talking about. Here’s how it went:


Monday. Easy, for the mostpart. In the afternoon I needed a 10 minute break from my computer, so I left my office for a walk. Any other day I would have wandered to Tim Horton’s for a small coffee ($1.50), but not this day. I just walked around the block instead. Once I got back to my desk I realised I didn’t buy kale on my Sunday grocery shop. Considering I was planning a kale and brussel sprout salad for dinner, I kinda needed kale ($3). I texted Kurt and asked him to pick it up on way home. Problem solved.


Money saved: $4.50
Tuesday. I drive past a mall on my way to work, normally it’s fine. Today the sight of it reminded me of the sale on Birkenstocks ($49.95) I had seen last week, and the fact that I had a $10 mall gift card burning a hole in my wallet, for an even larger discount. But no. It’s a no spend week. And more importantly, do I even need another pair of sandals? When I got to work, my cowoker/friend Jojo hands be a beautiful pink blazer that she no longer wore and knew I liked. Yes! I noticed a small stain on the arm and thought about the 3 other items I need to take to the drycleaners ($40). But no. Drycleaning will have to wait. After work I met up with Katie for a walk. Let’s get frozen yogurt ($7) she said. No, I’m on a no spend work week I said. Ok, can I buy you frozen yogurt then? she said. Yup I said.
Money saved: $47
Spending postponed: $40
Wednesday. I really wish I had checked out my deodorant ($5) situation more thoroughly before starting this challenge.
Spending postponed: $5
Thursday. I stayed home from work with a cold, I didn’t want to leave my house. Not spending money was a piece of cake.
Friday. I still felt sick and tired and really didn’t want to go to my office, but I really had to. So I did. And on my way home I really wanted take-out ($8). So much so that I considered forgoing this whole challenge. I didn’t though. Then I got dressed and headed to a wedding that I had not yet purchased a gift for ($50).  But wait. My awesome friend Elexa and I had been asked to do a bit of helping out at the reception, so obviously we did. We also spent a lot of time sipping cider in the sun, were fed a a delicious meal, and had unfettered access to the desert platter and drinks. When I heard what the bride wanted to pay us for our maybe 2 hours of help I had to laugh. I would be the jerk friend of the universe if I even considered accepting. Take my service as a gift. Happy wedding Trish and John. 🙂
Money saved: $58
Total Spending postponed: $45
Total money saved: $109.50
How great is this? I saved $109 in 5 days just by being mindful of my spending, not purchasing things I didn’t need, not trying to have everything. 
I’ll definitely be doing this again.